Local Contractor Insulation Services Business For Sale - [City, State]
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Springfield, Massachusetts, US
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Business Description
This local contractor services business is for sale, offering vehicles, equipment, and inventory in the package. Specializing in providing energy-efficient insulation services for residential and commercial properties, the company helps clients save on utility bills, improve comfort, and reduce their carbon footprint. With a focus on green home services, the business boasts high profitability, a proprietary product with a long lifespan, and a streamlined sales process that often closes deals during the first customer call. Operating with a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and environmental impact, the business's services aim to enhance energy efficiency, air quality, and overall comfort for clients. The new owner can expect to oversee customer estimates, manage a team of technicians, build relationships with industry partners like realtors and builders, handle financial matters, and guide the strategic direction of the company. A high customer retention rate, recurring revenue from warranty/service plans, and advanced technology tools like a customized dashboard and national call center contribute to the business's success and profitability. Aiming to provide immediate cost